Movie Finder

Get recommended movies

Search for different movies

Watch the movie trailer

Save movies you want to watch

Let the app choose a random movie for you to watch

Different movie genres to choose from


Image Caching implemented to increase app performance.
Photos are saved onto the devices storage and loaded from there which means the images will display quicker to the user instead of repeatedly having to request a image.

Core Data
In order to save the users data such as their movie watch list the app uses core data to save the data locally to the device.

Market Research

My motivation for making this app was do to the fact that all the movie recommendation apps were congested with random information like interesting movie facts, movie photos, and information on actors that I didn’t care for. So I decided to create a app that was clean and simple to use.

After doing some reasearch I knew there was a market for this app from the statistics I found for how much time people spend looking for movies to watch.

